Silat Martial Applications Workshop this Saturday, Feb 25th, 2017!

Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Qi Gong in Santa Rosa, California
Congratulations to all competitors at the 7th annual Wine Country Karate Open!
Wu Academy sent a team of 6 volunteers to compete at the Wine Country Karate Open Tournament last weekend on Feb 21st, 2015. Everyone did there best and improved their skills in preparation for the tournament. Overall our six competitors brought home 13 trophies. Many students won 1st place in their divisions, and 10-year-old Student Yvette Tran won the all-around championships finals 2 times for empty hand and weapons forms beating many competitors including black belts and adults. We are proud of everyone that participated in the competition no matter the outcome or shiny awards. In our eyes, you became a winner the second you decided to put yourself out there and compete! Instead of finding an excuse to avoid the challenge you volunteered to challenge yourselves and train extra hard. In doing so, you should have no regrets no matter the outcome and you have gained valuable life experiences.
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We are back from the amazing 2012 Wu Academy tour to China, and all of our classes are open! Come in to start training again and catch all of the interesting details and stories Shifu has picked up while studying and competing in China!
Our Wu Academy Team on the Great Wall
We had an unbelievable time visiting so many different sites, eating, taking in the World Wushu Championships, eating, climbing the Great Wall, eating, hiking in the most beautiful locations, sampling tea at the tea plantation, eating, shopping for uniquely Chinese artifacts, and did we mention eating?
Entire U.S. Team
Shifu Justin Eggert was a Coach of the U.S. Team West Coast, and Shimu (Wei Wei) did a lot of organizing! Several Wu Academy students competed for three days at the 5th World Championships, including Jared Schyler, Rick Martinez, Kelli Fitzpatrick, and Shifu Justin Eggert. Wu Academy student Kelli Fitzpatrick won a World Bronze Medal for her double daggers forms! Local instructor and good friend of Wu Academy Janet Seaforth competed with a beautiful Yang style tai chi form, and our Shifu Justin Eggert came home with two World Silver Medals for his sword form and Chen tai chi.
Student Kelli Fitzpatrick
Congratulations to everyone who competed. We are very proud of every competitor’s performance, as well as their huge commitment to months of hard training. Even if you didn’t win a medal, you represented us proudly!
Student Jared Schyler
Aside from the Championships and tour, Shifu Justin also spent eight days in Guangzhou, China, training with some of the best coaches of our time. The course culminated in three different exams for the elite status of “International Wushu Judge.” We are proud and happy to announce that Justin passed the exam, and is now one of only three judges in the United States certified in the new rules. Congratulations, Shifu!
Shifu with his two World Silver Medals
In the winter and in times of high stress, it is even more important to make time to be good to your body, mind, and soul. And we know that an invigorating and relaxing tai chi, kung fu, or qigong class is the way to do it! Please join us at either our Santa Rosa or Sebastopol location, and the first two classes are FREE for new students. Call us at 707-338-2233, or simply drop in for your first FREE class.
We hope to see you at Wu Academy very soon!